What is their story?
When you hear 'success' think of the 'story' behind it. The biggest brand in the world as at today is Google but the journey wasn't an easy one.

In 1997, two PhD students at Stamford University, Larry Page and  Co came together and started the company we know today as google.

At first, it wasn't  called google but 'Backrub' and later, the name 'Googol' was suggested but they made a mistake and typed 'Google'. The founders however liked the name.

How often is google visited?
As at 2017, google gets over 2.3 million searches per second talling over a billion searches daily. It will interest you to know that over a billion people visit Google every single day!

How Broad is Google?
Google is very broad. It has other smaller companies underneath it like Gmail, Google translate, Google Maps, Google Chrome, Google drive, google plus and youtube.

What do Google Use Goats for?
Don't be surprised! Google use Goats to mow their lawn. They rent over 200 Goats weekly to eat up the grasses in their lawn. They believe in Nature.

Google Vs Dictionary
In 2006, Google was added to the Mariam Webster and and the Oxford Advance Learners dictionary but the founders weren't happy. They released a blogpost stating that Google shouldn't be used unless referring to their brand.

Jeff Bezos loves Google?
Some Millionaires invested in Google. One of them was Jeff Bezos. He must be a very smart investor.

Why was google fined?
Some years ago, Google violated Antitrust laws and as such, they were fined $2.7Billion. They brought out content that will promote themselves to searchers instead of popping up the genuine contents. In 2009, Intel was fined over $1 Billion and they are still feeling the heat till this day.

Who owns Youtube?
Obviously, Google owns Youtube. It was acquired in 2006 for about $1.65Billion. The deal took only a week to materialize.

Why do Google like food?
Google company provides food for all her employees. Google campus has over 30 different dining halls. They feed over 200 goats that come to mow their lawns. We are still trying to understand why they place so much importance on food.

Is Google over Protective?
The answer is yes. Every good company should be ready to protect their reputation and keep an eye on their competitors. Google bought other domain names similar to theirs like gogle.com, goggle.com and others and linked them with their own site. This is a very smart move.

What is Google Gravity?
When you open your google seaechbox and input google gravity without any punctiation mark, click on the first page that pops us and google will demostrate the effect of gravity for you. I don't need to tell you. Try it out.

We believe you have gained some insights to what you probably did not know about Google.

Stay tuned! More is coming your way.